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NuSOAP sending array of string

The web service method I am trying to use can be seen here


I am sending a NuSOAP request with these parameters

 $param = array(
    "PropertyCode" => get_option('re_propertycode'),
    "RateTypes" =>  array(
    "StartDate" => date('c', strtotime($rezStart)),
    "EndDate" => date('c', strtotime($rezEnd)),
    "Adults" => 1,
    "Children" => 0,
    "Infants" => 0

The request is ok except it is not recognising SSDB as I must be sending the array of strings in the wrong way.

Any help much appreciated

Fixed with the following format

 $param = array(
    "PropertyCode" => get_option('re_propertycode'),
    "RateTypes" =>  array("string" => array("SSDB", "2NGT")),
    "EndDate" => date('c', strtotime($rezEnd)),
    "Adults" => $_POST['Adults'],
    "Children" => $_POST['Children'],
    "Infants" => $_POST['Infants']

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