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C++ radix sort using doubly-linked list

I am working on a program to sort a list of numbers using a radix sort but I keep getting stuck in what I think is an infinite loop. I think that it is either my main sort function or my counting function. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

void radix_sort(DLList& list)
  DLList lstRay[10];
  int ct = count(list);
  int zeros = 0;
  int tmp = 0;
  int head = 0;

  for(;ct >= 0; ct--)
        head = list.deleteHead();
        tmp = head / pow(10, zeros);
        tmp = tmp % 10;
      for(int x = 0; x <=9; x++)

int count(DLList& list)
  int ct = 0;
  int ct2 = 0;
  int tmp = 0;

      ct = ct2;
      tmp = list.deleteHead();
      while(tmp >= 0)
        tmp = tmp/10;
      if(ct2 < ct)
        ct2 = ct;
    return ct2;

You aren't clearing out lstRay on each iteration. This means when you loop around again, each lstRay is getting longer and longer, so your list is growing exponentially.

However, I am surprised that it gets that far - it looks like your count function will clear the list.

The infinite loop is inside count(). The loop on temp never terminates, because temp never gets below zero.

The radix_sort function has a problem too. listRay[tmp] is not initialised.

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