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Regex match of email address || a word

I have an input field that will take a keyword input as either an email address or a plain text keyword. I just want to validate that there's no unusual or unsafe characters. My normal validation expression I use for emails on the webform is:


However, I need an expression that will also take a plain word such as "Blanket". So, I need the expression to take all of the characters of a normal email address but not to validate the sequence that they're in. I've always been horrible at regular expressions. Thanks for your help, Chris.

Just do this:


| means or .

So the above regex matches emails or plain words.

I have an input field that will take a keyword input as either an email address or a plain text keyword.

You shouldn't be trying to validate e-mail addresses using a regexp.

The e-mail address format is covered by RFC 5322 and if you where to try and write a regexp that goes close to matching that spec, you would need a regexp that looks something like this:

(((?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[\\x20\\x09]*(?:\\x0d\\x0a))?[\\x20\\x09]+)|(?:[\\x20\\x09]+(?:(?:\\x0d\\x0a)[\\x20\\x09]+)* ))?(?:\\x28(?:(?:(?:(?:[\\x20\\x09]*(?:\\x0d\\x0a))?[\\x20\\x09]+)|(?:[\\x20\\x09]+(?:(?:\\x0d\\x0a)[\\x20...(click here to see full regexp)

The easiest way to validate an e-mail address is to send an e-mail to that address.

thanks for the question


i hope this be helpful

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