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Difference in how browsers handle JavaScript mouse events?

I'm developing a web application where users can learn Spanish by putting words together like pieces of a puzzle. I've created some JavaScript to make the puzzle pieces "draggable" (I know there is a new D&D API with HTML5, but the way I did it even works on browsers that don't support that).

Anyway, everything works perfectly in IE (even my old IE7) and Firefox, but I ran into an interesting snag with Google Chrome: each piece could only be dragged once; then they became "locked" (unable to move).

So my question is, is there something that needs to be done differently for this to be compatible with Chrome? I was thinking of maybe having the "drop" script refresh the browser every time the user drops a piece, but that would probably be a pain for users with slow connections... anyway I'm sure there's something I'm overlooking, but I'm not sure what it could be. Here's my code:

<title> Making Sense out o Spanish </title>

#div1, #div2{
 position: absolute;
 left: 100px; top: 100px;
 width: 80px; height: 60px;
 background-color: yellow;

#div3, #div4{
 position: absolute;
 left: 200px; top: 200px;
 width: 80px; height: 60px;
 background-color: green;


var activePiece = "nothing";

function move(id,x,y){
 if (activePiece == id){
  var element = document.getElementById(id);
  element.style.left = x-40 + "px";
  element.style.top = y-30 + "px";

function go(id){
 activePiece = id;
 var element = document.getElementById(id);
 element.style.zIndex = "1";

function stop(id){
 activePiece = "nothing";
 var element = document.getElementById(id);
 element.style.zIndex = "-1";
<body bgcolor="blue" onmousemove="update(event.clientX,event.clientY);">

<div id="div1" onmousedown="go('div1');" onmouseup="stop('div1');" onmousemove="move('div1',event.clientX,event.clientY);">Quiero</div>
<div id="div2" onmousedown="go('div2');" onmouseup="stop('div2');" onmousemove="move('div2',event.clientX,event.clientY);">Necesito</div>
<div id="div3" onmousedown="go('div3');" onmouseup="stop('div3');" onmousemove="move('div3',event.clientX,event.clientY);">bailar</div>
<div id="div4" onmousedown="go('div4');" onmouseup="stop('div4');" onmousemove="move('div4',event.clientX,event.clientY);">trabajar</div>


I spent some time looking into this, and it seems the "short answer is, the event listener is the solution. I found this site:

JavaScript mouse events tutorial

And they have a demo that works exactly like mine, EXCEPT that they added the event functions in the script instead of the individual div elements. I haven't had the chance to do try it in my code yet, but their demo works fine in Chrome as well as Firefox and IE.

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