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Using c#, how can I overload all operators at once?

I have a struct like this.

public struct Money
    private readonly decimal _quantity;

    private Money(decimal qty)
        _quantity = Math.Round(qty, 2);

    public static implicit operator Money(decimal dec)
        return new Money(dec);

For Money do I have to overload all operators +, -, <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, etc.? Or is there a way to accept all operators of decimal for Money as well? As you see Money has only one field which is _quantity . I want that all operators asked for Money should return as if it is asked for _quantity.

Maybe overloading below implicit conversion operator will solve the problem.

public static implicit operator decimal(Money money)
    return money._quantity;

I am creating Money struct, because I do not want to use decimal in my entire project. Compiler should force me to use Money instead of decimal . If I use above conversion operator implicitly, it wil contradict the reason behind creating this struct. Thanks in advance...

You have to implement all the operators separately , but you can simplify the process by inmplementing static Compare method (in order to emulate <=> operator which is not supported by C#):

public struct Money: IComparble<Money> {
  private readonly decimal _quantity;


  // C# doesn't have <=> operator, alas...
  public static int Compare(Money left, Money right) {
    if (left._quantity < right._quantity)
      return -1;
    else if (left._quantity > right._quantity)
      return 1;
      return 0;

  public static Boolean operator == (Money left, Money right) {
    return Compare(left, right) == 0;

  public static Boolean operator != (Money left, Money right) {
    return Compare(left, right) != 0;

  public static Boolean operator > (Money left, Money right) {
    return Compare(left, right) > 0;

  public static Boolean operator < (Money left, Money right) {
    return Compare(left, right) < 0;

  public static Boolean operator >= (Money left, Money right) {
    return Compare(left, right) >= 0;

  public static Boolean operator <= (Money left, Money right) {
    return Compare(left, right) <= 0;

  public int CompareTo(Money other) {
    return Compare(this, other);

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