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Text from one textbox to another using JavaScript

I have a textbox as

 @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.SingleUnitBarcode, new { @class = "form-control",@id="barcode1", onblur = "CloneData" })

And on losing focus from this textbox I want the text in it to be displayed in another textbox(with id =customerbarcode_field)

I am using the javascript

    function CloneData() { 
        var value = document.getElementById("#barcode1").value

        document.getElementById("#customerbarcode_field").value = value;

However the function is not being triggered when I lose focus from the first textbox.

What did i miss ?

You have to change the onblur=CloneData , to the the following one:


Also, you have to change the selecting of the DOM elements. I mean you should change the # tag in the document.getElementById() method. There we pass the Id of the DOM element we want to select without prepending the # before the Id . For instance, you should use this


insted of this


If you were using JQuery , then you would have selected this element as:


Modify the TextBox like this:

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.SingleUnitBarcode, 
                new { @class = "form-control",
                      onblur = "CloneData()" })

and script like this, in javascript you are mixing javascript with jquery:

    function CloneData() { 
        var value = document.getElementById("barcode1").value

        document.getElementById("customerbarcode_field").value = value;

if you want to do with jquery then:

        function CloneData() { 
            var value = $("#barcode1").val();


replace onblur = "CloneData" by onblur = "CloneData()" and remove # from id

function CloneData() { 
    var value = document.getElementById("barcode1").value

    document.getElementById("customerbarcode_field").value = value;


@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.SingleUnitBarcode, new { @class = "form-control",@id="barcode1", onblur = "CloneData" })

with this:

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.SingleUnitBarcode, new { @class = "form-control",@id="barcode1", onblur = "CloneData();" })

It's bad practice to put your javascript event in the html in that manner. Since you are using jquery already you can attach a listener without polluting your html;

$("body").on('blur', '#barcode1', function(){

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