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Joining SELECT of two rows with same id in SQL

ok I do have this table

| id | first | last | type
  1     mp      de    bill
  1     mark    ve    ship
  2     dw      her   bill
  2     dwi     rra   ship

now I want it to be like this

| id | bill.first |  bill.last | ship.first | ship.last
   1     mp             de           mark       ve
   2     dw             her          dwi        rra

the main key of joining rows is by their ID is this possible?

I tried already using group by but I don't have an idea how to use it

and I don't know what word to use in google to search for the solution to my problem

I have only one table

Something like this should work -

    test t1
    inner join test t2
    on t1.id = t2.id
    and t1.type = 'bill'
    and t1.type != t2.type

Effectively, all you need is to perform an inner join on the same table

Try something like

select bill.id, bill.first, bill.last, ship.first, ship.last
from t as bill, t as ship 
where bill.id = ship.id
and bill.type = 'bill' 
and ship.type = 'ship'

Or you could use a Join to be more contemporary.

SELECT b.id, b.first, b.last, s.first, s.last 
FROM bill b
LEFT JOIN ship s ON b.id=s.id AND b.type='bill' AND s.type='ship'

try this:

SELECT A.id,A.first, A.last,
       B.first, B.last
ON A.id = B.id
AND A.type = 'bill'
AND B.type = 'ship'

You can do this with group by and conditional aggregation:

select id,
       max(case when type = 'bill' then first end) as "bill.first",
       max(case when type = 'bill' then last end) as "bill.last",
       max(case when type = 'ship' then first end) as "ship.first",
       max(case when type = 'ship' then last end) as "ship.last"
from table t
group by id;

For your case, this produces exactly the same results as the join . However, if you have multiple rows for a given value, then this will still generate only one row per id. Using max() it will give one value from one of the rows. Using group_concat() it would give all the values.

One advantage of this approach is that it will include all ids, even when some ids are missing "bill" records and others are missing "ship" records. Unfortunately, MySQL doesn't support full outer join , so that situation is more difficult to handle using join s.

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