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C++ Pointer to Pointer that points to Dynamic Array

Hi I am trying to create this pointer, is this a correct way?

Pointer that I have:

class listaFiguras {

    int numElementos;
    figuraGeom **lista = new (figuraGeom*)[0];

public :

    //Constructor sin parametros


    //Sets y Gets
    void setnumElementos(int);
    virtual void setLista(figuraGeom**);

    int getnumElementos();
    virtual figuraGeom* getLista();

    //Vaciar lista
    void vaciarLista();

    //Añadir elemento
    void anyadirElemento(figuraGeom *);


This is what I have to do:

List: pointer to pointer to FIG. Points to a dynamic array, each element of which is a pointer to FIG.

Thank you in advance !

If you want to allocate everything from scratch, you could take

FIG ** list = new (FIG*)[number_of_pointers];
for(uint i = 0; i<number_of_pointers; ++i)
    //Set pointer to a new FIG object.
    list[i] = new FIG(constructor_arguments);

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