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What is the time complexity of the following function?

    int func(int n){
         return 0;
         return sqrt(n);

Where sqrt(n) is a C math.h library function.

  1. O(1)
  2. O(lg n)
  3. O(lg lg n)
  4. O(n)

I think that the running time entirely depends on the sqrt(n). However, I don't know how this function is actually implemented.

PS The general approach towards finding the square root of a number that I know of is using Newton's method. If I am not wrong, the time complexity using Newton's method turns out to be O(lg n). So should the answer be O(lg n)?

PPS Got this question in a recent test that I appeared for.

I am going to give a bit more general case answer, without assuming constant size of int .

The answer is Theta(logn) .

We know newton-raphson is Theta(logn) - that excludes Theta(n) (assuming sqrt() is as efficient as we can).

However, a general number n requries log_2(n) bits to encode - and you require to read all of it in order to get an accurate sqrt() function. This excludes Theta(1) and Theta(log(log(n)) .

From the above, we know that the complexity of the function is Theta(log(n)) .

As a side note, since O(log(n)) is a subset of O(n) - it is also a valid answer, though not tight one. For more information about big Theta and big O and their differences, you might want to have a look on this thread .

This depends on the implementation of sqrt and also on what kind of time complexity you are interested.

I would say you can consider it to be "constant", so O(1), in that sense: If you put in a random int , it will in average take the same amount of time. (Reason: numbers with many digits are much more common).

But have a look here . Another possible answer is O(M(n)), where M(n) is the complexity of a multiplication and n is the number of digits in your integer.

This looking like a text-book question and a is perhaps meant to be a trap. The teacher perhaps wants to check if you can distinguish between computing sqrt for a list of numbers (which would be O(n)), and a single number (which would be O(1)).

Be aware that the "correct" answer often also depends on the context in which it is asked.

Let n=2^m
Given T(n)=T(sqrt(n))+1
Let T(2^m)=S(m)
using master theorem -
Hence, time complexity is theta(log(n)) .

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