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PHP syntax error in this query

Can anyone help me figure out what's wrong in this code? It used to work before I added that 3rd query to fill the form with the current info from the database. Now it just returns a white page.


    if (isset($_GET['edit'])) {
        echo "<form action=\"user.php\" method=\"post\">";

            $userinfo = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM members WHERE members.id='".$_COOKIE[userid]."' AND members.username='".$_COOKIE[user]."'";
        while($uir = mysqli_fetch_array($userinfo)) {

        echo "
        <label for=\"name\">Navn:</label>
            <input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" placeholder=\"Your name\" value=\"".$uir['name']."\"required /><br />    

        <label for=\"mobil\">Mobil:</label>
            <input type=\"tel\" name=\"mobil\" placeholder=\"Mobil tlf\" value=\"".$uir['mobil']."\" required /><br />          

        <label for=\"bilnr\">Bil #:</label>
            <input type=\"tel\" name=\"bilnr\" placeholder=\"Bil Nr.\" value=\"".$uir['bilnr']."\" required /><br />

        <label for=\"regnr\">Registrerings nummer:</label>
            <input autocapitalize=\"characters\" type=\"text\" name=\"regnr\" placeholder=\"Reg.Nr.\" value=\"".$uir['regnr']."\" required /><br />";   

        echo "<input type=\"submit\" /></form>";    
    elseif (isset($_POST["bilnr"])) {
            $sql="UPDATE members SET name='$_POST[name]', mobil='$_POST[mobil]', bilnr='$_POST[bilnr]', regnr='$_POST[regnr]' WHERE id='".$_COOKIE[userid]."' AND username='".$_COOKIE[user]."'";
            if (!mysqli_query($con,$sql))
                die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con));
        echo "<p class=\"red\">Informasjonen er oppdatert!</p>";
        mysqli_close($con); }       

    else {
        echo "<a href=\"user.php?edit\">Oppdater bruker info</a>";


You should put your array keys between quotes:


Secondly, don't use them directly in your SQL code. It's easier to find bugs in your code when you write your queries like this:

$name = $_POST['name'];
$mobil = $_POST['mobil'];
$bilnr = $_POST['bilnr'];
$regnr = $_POST['regnr'];

$sql="UPDATE members 
      SET name='$name', mobil='$mobil', bilnr='$bilnr',
      regnr='$regnr' etc.

You forgot to close the bracket for the first mysqli_query at line 6. Just add a closing bracket before the semicolon on that line and php will parse this once again.


$userinfo = mysqli_query($con,"SNIPPETY SNIP SNIP"."'";


$userinfo = mysqli_query($con,"SNIPPETY SNIP SNIP"."'");

Don't change the actual query to SNIPPETY SNIP SNIP unless you want an SQL error.

Do adjust your code to protect from sql injections as per John Conde's comment.

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