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Handling multiple exceptions in java

My abandon() may throw AbandonException .

While handling the exception I have to recall the same method if there some element left in the Vector .

How should I proceed? And if I am not thinking straight, what would be the best solution?

   if (i + 1 < lc.size()) {
    try {
        lc.get(i + 1).abondon();
    catch (AbandonException e1) {

following is some pseudo-code:

List errorIndexList = new ArrayList();

for(...) {
    if (i + 1 < lc.size()) {
        try {
            lc.get(i + 1).abondon();
        } catch (AbandonException e1) {
            // do some error handle work ..
            // print error log/info if need,
            continue; // this is optional, in case it's the last statement,

// use errorIndexList to handle your errors, if need,

You could use finally here.

try {
      lc.get(i + 1).abondon();
catch (AbandonException e1) {

} finally {
   your code

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