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Alert Success or Error message for jQuery POST method

I'm using the following jQuery to submit and save data:

var data = "Sample data";
$.post('@Url.Content("~/Student/SaveData")', { Data : data}
//I want to alert SUCCESS or ERROR here

This is my controller:

public ActionResult SaveData(string data)
      //Add logic to save data
      //pass SUCCESS indication.
  catch(Exception ex)
      //pass ERROR indication
return View();

I want to alert success message if data saved successfully otherwise error message. How to handle it in jQuery section?

you are firstly using wrong helper instead of @Url.Content you need to use @Url.Action which generates url for you action:

and use $.ajax like this:

 var data = "Sample data";

                url: '@Url.Action("SaveData","Student")',
                type: "get",
                data: { sample:data}
                success: function (res) {
                error: function () {


and your action would be like:

public ActionResult SaveData(string sample="")

return Content(sample);


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