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Mysql query IFEXIST does not return any result

I am trying to create a login form in PHP. i am passing the username and password that user had entered and check weather that exist in the data base.

i have done the coding, but IF EXIST query does not return any result.

can any one help me to fix this. or give me a alternate idea.. Thank you...


        $name= $_POST["usname"];
        $pass = $_POST ["password"];

        $connection = mysqli_connect("localhost","sathya","sathya","learning1"); 
        //mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO user (name, password) VALUES ('".$name."', '".$pass."')");
        $result = mysqli_query($connection, "IF EXISTS(SELECT *  FROM  user  WHERE name='".$name."'AND password='".$pass."')");

        echo "result ".$result;

        if($result == True){

          header("Location: logedin.php");

            echo "not logged in installed";


This is a late answer, but there are a few things you need to be made aware of. (Not taking away from the accepted answer).

You will need to use if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) because your query will always be TRUE if the username matches and the password does NOT, and vice-versa.

You are better off using mysqli_num_rows() rather than using if($result == True)

Sidenote: Consult my footnotes regarding password storage and SQL injection.

$DB_HOST = "xxx";
$DB_NAME = "xxx";
$DB_PASS = "xxx";
$DB_USER = "xxx";

$db = new mysqli($DB_HOST, $DB_USER, $DB_PASS, $DB_NAME);
    if($db->connect_errno > 0) {
      die('Connection failed [' . $db->connect_error . ']');

$name = $_POST["usname"]; // See footnotes about this
$pass = $_POST ["password"]; // See footnotes about this

$result = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT *  FROM  users  WHERE username='".$name."' AND password='".$pass."')");

// Works just as well
// $result = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM  users  WHERE username='".$name."' AND password='".$pass."'");

    if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0){
    echo "Both match.";

    echo "Sorry, there was not a perfect match.";


You can also use:

$result = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM  users  WHERE username='".$name."' AND password='".$pass."'");

Which does the same for SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * while using less characters.

or choose actual columns:

$result = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT username, password FROM  users  WHERE username='".$name."' AND password='".$pass."'");

I suggest that you use prepared statements and sanitize your inputs. Not doing so will leave you open to SQL injection .

Here are a few tutorials on (mysqli) prepared statements that you can study and try:

Here are a few tutorials on PDO:


I also noticed that you are storing passwords in plain text. This is not recommended.

Use one of the following:

Other links:

I can't say anything about the PHP part, but the query will surely result in a syntax error.

IF whatever ... is only allowed in stored procedures or functions, not in single queries. You can however replace the IF with SELECT like

$result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT *  FROM  user  WHERE name='".$name."'AND password='".$pass."')");

This query would return either 0 (if no entry exists) or 1 (if an entry exists). It's also a good idea to use EXISTS as it stops the query as soon as an entry was found and does not return the whole dataset.

You can try this beside using 'IF EXISTS' function--

$result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT *  FROM  user  WHERE name='".$name."'AND password='".$pass."'");

if($count==1)  // $count=1 if any row is present with mathing username and pwd in db
    echo "user already logged in";
  echo "user not exist";

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