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Rails/jQuery prevent form submission

jQUery prevent form submission.

        $("textarea[name = user_form_snippet]").enabled = enabled;
        return false;

Below is my rails form.

<%form_for @user, :html {:id => "edit_user_form" },
          :url => {action => "update", :id => @user.id} do |f| %>

<% end %>

My jQuery function is getting called, but for strange reason the form is getting submitted even if use either return false or e.preventDefault()

If you want to use e.preventDefault() , you must have it before your return statement, as the return is always the last thing that happens in a function.

You should also update your code to include the e in the anonymous function, otherwise e.preventDefault() doesn't know what e is :)

http://jsfiddle.net/UEK7d/ <- Example fiddle

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