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How to get DataSource connection from a Groovy Class with this groovy code?

I used to have a Java Class in my Grails app, but I needed to get a connection from DataSource.groovy so I passed it to a Groovy Class, and I made it getting the Context Application. But How can I connect to that that Datasource with this code?:

def dataSource = ctx.getBean('dataSource_Executer') // auto injected and referenced to a datasource
Connection conn = null;
Statement stmt = null;
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dataSource);// Here it's the trouble

I need it like this because I need the Metadata of the result query like this:

 stmt = conn.createStatement();
 def rs = stmt.executeQuery('query');
 def rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
 num = rsmd.getColumnCount();

and control it with a While:


I would use the groovy.sql package to do this.

import groovy.sql.GroovyRowResult
import groovy.sql.Sql

def dataSource = ctx.getBean('dataSource_Executer')
def connection = new Sql(dataSource)
def results = connection.rows('SELECT ...')
results.each { r ->
  println r['columnName']

You can also access the ResultSetMetaData as well. This blog post has a good example of how to do so.

you can also use auto-wiring in a service/controller:

class SomeService {

 DataSource dataSource

 def someMethod( params = [:] ){
   Sql db = new Sql( dataSource )
   db.eachRow( "select * from table" ) {
     doSometething it

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