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Show Div once a user has entered text into text area?

i am trying to show my div id 'content2' only once a user has typed at least 4 characters into a text area?

I am trying to use the code below but its not working, please can someone show me where i am going wrong, thanks.


<input type="text" id="field_post" name="vat" onfocus="document.getElementById('field_vat').style.background='#ffffff';" onkeyup="showDiv()" onchange="showDiv()"/>


$("#field_post").on('keydown', function(event) {
    var currentString = $("#field_post").val()
    if (currentString.length <= 500 )  {  /*or whatever your number is*/
    } else {
 if (document.getElementById("field_post").value.length >=4 )  {  /*or whatever your number is*/
    } else {

I would use the input event that everyone seems to forget about. It fires when tae character is entered into an input instead of on any keydown .

$('#field_post').on('input', function () {
  var characterCount = this.value.length;
  $('#content2').text(characterCount).toggle(characterCount > 3);

Here is a small demo: http://jsbin.com/qoziwoha/2/edit

This can be done in pure JS:

var field   = document.getElementById("field_post"),
    content = document.getElementById("content2");

field.onkeydown = function(){
  var len = this.value.length;
  content.innerHTML = len;

  if (len <= 4){
    content.style.display = "none";
    content.style.display = "block";

Ok, regarding the problems:

First Problem


The css selector is looking for an element named content2 whereas you would probably like to select a div with the id of content2, so for that to happen, you should write $('#content2') . If you wanted to select a div with the class content2 , you would write $('.content2') .

Second problem

if (currentString.length <= 500 )  {  /*or whatever your number is*/
} else {

In the above snippet, you're typing in display: block; . Now that's not proper javascript code. You may be confused by the object syntax like { display: 'block' } but in your code above, you don't have the wrapping curly braces {} to create an object. (The curly brackets that are present represent the if () { } else { } block.

The real problem, however, is that you're trying to add a css style on to the #content2 element. In which case, the jQuery syntax is:

$('#content2').css('display', 'block');

The logic seems to be correct. Hope this helps.

$("#field_post").on('keydown', function(event)
    var len = $(this).val().length;
    if(len >= 4)

This will show the div once, if the input length goes below 4 characters it will not be hidden again (as per your question). To acheive this instead change to:


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