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Using RESTful Services

This is a really simple question, I am just a beginner in RESTful api.

I have an ASP.NET MVC website which calls a RESTful api (ASP.NET WebApiController) that contains CRUD commands on some objects. Note that the RESTful api is still in development by another programmer and the objects/methods could change.

Up until now I was using regular WebServices which generated interfaces and objects according to the WebService's api. so each time something changed I would simply update the service reference. I can't use them now since I don't want the WebServices to be bound to my website.

My question is : is it ok to sent to the RESTful api hard-coded json objects (Example - for an animal class which has name and type I will create a json object {name:"lucky",type:"dog"})?

What if the objects/Methods change? (Like if the animal's name property will be called Name). How am I supposed to know this without an interface specifing the api?

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