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SQL Server 2012 Date datatype contains 12:00:00AM

I have a MVC CRUD site that has a Date Approved Textbox. When the new entry is created it is stored properly as "dd-MM-yyyy" in the SQL Sever. When I want to update an entry the Date Required textbox contains the date AND 12:00:00AM . I'm guessing this is because SQL Server is a date datatype and .Net is a DateTime. Any idea how to get rid of the 12:00:00AM ?

Failed attempts...

I've tried adding it to my viewmodel

[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:MM-dd-yyyy}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)]
[Display(Name="Date Requested")]
public DateTime?  Date_Requested { get; set; }

and also...

string test = Convert.ToDateTime(model.Date_Requested).ToString;

EDIT the html textbox

@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Date_Requested,new {@class="datepicker" })

EDIT JQuery DatePicker

    onSelect: function () {

you could add another property, using ToShortDateString :

public string DateRequestedShortDate 
        return Date_Requested == null ? "" : Date_Requested.ToShortDateString();

or simply set the textbox value to the ShortDateString to keep your binding

TextBoxFor does not honor format attributes (not sure if this is intended or a bug). You can either use EditorFor :

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Date_Requested,new {@class="datepicker" })

or set the format in TextBoxFor :

@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Date_Requested,
                          new {
                               @Value = Model.Date_Requested.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") 

Expanding on Jonesy answer from above.

public string DateRequestedShortDate 
    return Date_Requested == null ? "" : Date.Parse(Date_Requested).ToShortDateString();

Parse won't mess up the data being inserted into SQL , hope it helps.

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