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Python argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

I'm getting an error when posting the following json: {"email":"test@test.com", "password":"12345", "repeatPassword":"12345"}

I'm using Django-Rest_framework, so I think I might have set up something wrong?

This is the serializer

class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    repeatPassword = serializers.CharField(write_only=True, required=True, label="Re-enter Password")
    def validate(self, attrs):
        passwordValue = attrs["password"]
        repeatPasswordValue = attrs["repeatPassword"]

        if passwordValue is not None and passwordValue != "":
            if repeatPasswordValue is None or repeatPasswordValue == "":
                raise serializers.ValidationError("Please re-enter your password")

        if passwordValue != repeatPasswordValue:
            serializers.ValidationError("Passwords must match")

        return attrs

    class Meta:
        model = User
        fields = ("email", "username", "password")
        read_only_fields = ("username",)
        write_only_fields = ("password",)

The view is just a basic ModelViewSet for the User model that I have

Maybe I configured the url.py file incorrectly? This is what I have for the urlpatterns.

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^user/$', UserViewSet.as_view({"get": "list", "put": "create"})))

It seems you may have omitted some code. I had the same issue caused a validator function not returning the attrs variable so my code looked like this:

def validate_province(self, attrs, source):
    // unimportant details

and this solved it:

    def validate_province(self, attrs, source):
        // unimportant details
        return attrs

On a side note, you forgot to raise one of your exceptions:

    if passwordValue != repeatPasswordValue:
        serializers.ValidationError("Passwords must match")

change it to:

    if passwordValue != repeatPasswordValue:
        raise serializers.ValidationError("Passwords must match")

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