I am making a program that finds the temperature of a place using requests and BeautifulSoup. Whenever I run the code I get this error: I've trie ...
I am making a program that finds the temperature of a place using requests and BeautifulSoup. Whenever I run the code I get this error: I've trie ...
I've downloaded data from this link: (https://data.cesko.digital/obce/1/obce.json) Data has been successfully stored in a dictionary and when I try to ...
why does leetcode give the error 'NoneType' object is not iterable? Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeating char ...
I have annotated articles in a list (len=488), and I want to apply the .lower() method on the lemmas. I get the following error message AttributeError ...
I keep getting this error when trying to execute my app.exe ( generated with python -m eel [your_main_script] [your_web_folder] --onefile --noconsole) ...
Using a RaspberryPi Pico, V1.19.1. When I define my timer the first execution works fine, however subsequent periods fail with 'TypeError: 'NoneType' ...
My code is running perfeclty with no errors from python shell but in VS Code IDE it is highlighting geeks[i] = None as error and giving the above(titl ...
The problem is asking me to remove the nth node counting from the end of a singly linked list, but I keep getting nonetype has no attribute next for ...
I'm trying to get historical stock prices from the Polygon.io endpoint on the ex-dividend and the day before the ex-dividend date and map those values ...
I have this for with the name of the text columns of my Dataframe, I want to replace the '' and nan by None for the database to be NULL, but when I tr ...
This is the program that I wrote: count_occur() calls first_occur() to get the first occurrence of an element. Then count_occur() calls last_occ ...
I tried to get a list of links problem when I was scraping but i get this error. ...
I'm trying to build a web crawler that generates a text file for multiple different websites. After it crawls a website it is supposed to get all the ...
I am working on a Django project . It fundamentally contains two views. First is HomePageView. It contains a form that take image input from user(ano ...
I am learning and playing around with Python and I came up with the following test code (please be aware that I would not write productive code like t ...
Hi I have problem i dont knbwo how to add numbers order 1 to 8 on the left side and right side of this function. And another problem is there is alway ...
How can I remove the None values from this dataframe df and convert the columns from a to f as a list The output should be: ...
I'm getting the unsupported format string error message from the following code; I've done this countless times before without any issues, strange ...
First time posting. I am learning python to do a web scraping project for my work. I am trying to collect information on the different projects this o ...
The english file on the function's parameter is already running. I tried to check if the words I have are triad words by comparing them against the cl ...