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How can I select a random entry from a database using Laravel 4's Eloquent ORM?

I have an Eloquent model called Question linked to a database table named questions .

Is there an Eloquent function that will let me take a single random question (or a set number of random questions) from the database? Something like the following:

$random_question = Question::takeRandom(1)->get();


$random_questions = Question::takeRandom(5)->get();

Simply you can do:

$random_question = Question::orderBy(DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(1)->get();


$random_question = Question::orderBy(DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(5)->get();

If you want to use the syntax as you specified in your question, you can use scopes. In the model Question you can add the following method:

public function scopeTakeRandom($query, $size=1)
    return $query->orderBy(DB::raw('RAND()'))->take($size);

Now you can do $random_question = Question::takeRandom(1)->get(); and get 1 random question.

You can read more about Laravel 4 query scopes at http://laravel.com/docs/eloquent#query-scopes

$data = Model::where('id',$id)->get()->random($count);

You can use random. It simple and effective.

只需在查询中使用 - > orderBy(DB :: raw('RAND()'))

$featurep= DB::table('tbl_products') ->join('tbl_product_images' , 'tbl_products.ID', '=', 'tbl_product_images.Product_ID') ->where(array('tbl_products.is_Active' => 0,'CategoryID' => $result->CategoryID)) ->groupBy('ID') ->orderBy(DB::raw('RAND()')) ->take(4) ->get();

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