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how to save multiple data in shared preferences in android

my app contains a list of dates in which there is toggle button

    1.>on check it sets alarm and on uncheck it deletes the alarm

these is working normally but when i close aplication then alarm will automaically gets deleted so i want to save data in shared preferences when toggle button is clicked and delete particular data when btn is unchek from shared preferneces for this i am doing

SharedPreferences sharedPref = context.getSharedPreferences("com.example.dd.mydata", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPref.edit();

where cday and month is alarm date and month

on recieve i have to fetch these data and match with date so that alarm can ring
so on recive i am doing this

SharedPreferences sharedPref = arg0.getSharedPreferences("com.example.dd.mydata", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        String name = sharedPref.getString("alarm"+cday+"_"+cmonth, null);

in these way i am achiving the value of shared preferences in both class but it is working for single toggle button clicking more than 2 button **overrites the also tell me how can i check whether the current dates exists or not in shared prefernces

You can call SharedPreferences.contains(String key) method.

For example, contains("alarm"+cday+"_"+cmonth)

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