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C++ function method via function pointer

I'm trying to understand how function pointer works can't clarified why I get the following err.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Car
 Car (COLOR c): color(c) { cout<<"Car's constructor..."<<endl; CarsNum++;}
 ~Car () {cout<<"Car's destructor..."<<endl; CarsNum--;}
 void GetColor () { cout<<"Color of the car is"<<color<<endl;}
 static int GetCarsNum () {cout<<"Static membet CarsNum="<<CarsNum<<endl; return 0;}
COLOR color;
static int CarsNum;


int Car::CarsNum=0;

int main()
int (Car::*pfunc) () = NULL;
pfunc=&Car::GetCarsNum ();

 Car *ptr= new Car(RED);
 ptr->GetColor ();
 ptr->GetCarsNum ();
 delete ptr;
    return 0;

Err msg:

main.cpp|23|error: lvalue required as unary '&' operand

Problem is with:

  pfunc=&Car::GetCarsNum ();

Any help would be greatly appreciated

With &Car::GetCarsNum () you are calling GetCastNum , and taking the return value to make it a pointer (with the address-of operator & ).

To solve this simply drop the parentheses:


No need for parentness:



int (Car::*pfunc) () = NULL;

Oh, UPDATE: you have static method: In this case GetCarsNum() is just a simple function:

int (*pfunc) () = &Car::GetCarsNum;

I think that by putting braces behind the method, you call the method. This confuses the compiler. who now thinks the & operator is used as binary operator. So remove the () and only specify the function name.

Thanks, guys. Now I see the diffrence between pointers to static method (in this case we use syntaxis as for simple function)

int (*pfunc) () = &Car::GetCarsNum;

int this case both with '&' and without '&' gives the same result.(and what is the difference). and calling it:


And other side - function pointer on standart method:

void (Car::*pfunc2) () = NULL;

and calling it:


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