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How to convert csv file's specific column to string List

Does anyone know how to convert a specific column in a csv file to string List ? I am trying to have a 'contact number' list from csv file. (Please see my csv file in below)

Intending to do

List<string> contactNumberList = new List<string>();
-- contactNumberList.Add("1888714"); (Manual)

In my CSV

"Email","Opt In Date","Opted Out","Opt In Details","Email Type","Opted Out Date","Opt Out Details","Contact Number","Salutation"
"test1@testApp.com","05/01/2014 11:23 AM","F","User Name: capn@goldpop.org.uk. IP Address:","0","","","1888714","Mrs Hall"
"test2@testApp.com","05/01/2014 11:23 AM","F","User Name: capntransfer@goldpop.org.uk. IP Address:","0","","","1888759","Mrs Heyworth"

For parsing CSVs I suggest using a ligrary as simply splitting by line /columns separator can bring to errors if the values are escaped.


"Mr John, Bob Smith"

is a valid CSV as it is escaped with quotes. But a Split function will stop working.

One valid choice is LumenWorks (you can find it in NuGet).


using (var csv = new CsvReader(r, false, csvParserConfiguration.ColumnSeparator, '"', '"', '#', ValueTrimmingOptions.None))
 // Read lines
 while (csv.ReadNextRecord())

逐行读取文件,用逗号分隔Split() ,选择所需的列,剪掉引号并添加到列表中?

Try this:

int columnId = 3;
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\test.csv");
var list = lines.Select(line => 
       { var values = line.Split(';');
         return values[columnId];

You could try the following:

var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(@"C:\test.csv"));
List<string> contactNumbersList = new List<string>();
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
   var line = reader.ReadLine();
   var values = line.Split(',');

but better yet you could use a dedicated library like CSV Reader .

IEnumerable<string> strings = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines({filepath})
                                  .Select(x => x.Split(';')[{columnId}])

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