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Storing an object of a derived class in a reference to the base class

I've always worked with pointers and avoided references because I didn't understand how to work with them very well. Today I was working on a small project and decided to use references instead and ran into some behavior I'm not sure how to work around. Basically I have a factory (Factory) that creates either an object of type B or C, both of which are derived from A.

class Factory
    void create(A& container, int a) //This is for creating an object of B
        B result;
        container = result;
    void create(A& container, int a, int b) //This is for creating an object of C
        C result;
        result.Func(a, b);
        container = result;

class A
    virtual void Func(int a) //This is used for an object of B
        var1 = a;
    virtual void Func(int, int) {}; // This is used for an object of C

    int var1;

class B : public A
    //Relies of base class Func to set the variable var1;

class C : public A
    void Func(int a, int b)
        A::Func(int a)
        var2 = a1;

    int var2;

The issue arises when I try to do the following

Factory factory;
A a;
factory.create(a, 1); //Works fine because B and A have only 1 variable
factory.create(a, 1, 1); //a only contains A part of C

When I check the debugger, there is no sign of var2 to in a after the 2nd create call. I understand its because I'm using a reference to the base type of C and only the A part of C gets stored in the container, but is there a workaround? I know I can just switch A to A*, but I'm interested if there is a non-pointer based solution.

TL;DR Is there a way to store an object of a derived class in a reference of the base class without using pointers?

I feel compelled to point out that a reference of type T is logically equivalent to a T * const. So technically, you can't get around using pointers.

To answer your question, it is absolutely possible to store a derived class in a reference to a base class. The issue is that A, B, and C all have potentially difference sizes. Here is one solution:

#include <stdio.h>

class A
  virtual void Function()

class B : public A
  virtual void Function()
    printf("B: %d\n", var1);

  int var1;

class C : public A
  virtual void Function()
    printf("C: %d, %d\n", var1, var2);

  int var1, var2;

class Factory
  A & Create(int a)
    B &b = *new B;
    b.var1 = a;
    return b;

  A & Create(int a, int b)
    C &c = *new C;
    c.var1 = a;
    c.var2 = b;
    return c;

Called like:

Factory factory;
A &a1 = factory.Create(0);
A &a2 = factory.Create(1, 2); 


Which will print: B: 0 C: 1, 2

Unfortunately, it's not possible to allocate an A and then assign a B or C to it later, since their sizes don't match. You either must use a reference/pointer with dynamic allocation, or know the type ahead of time.

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