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Check if button has been clicked within time

This is what I'd like to do:

  1. User clicks on button, Run Function A
  2. If button hasn't been clicked again within 1 second, Run Function B too
  3. If button has been clicked, repeat (run function A again and check for function B)

This is what I've tried

var clicked = false;


function A(){
    clicked = true;
         clicked == false;
    )}, 1000);

        if ( clicked == false ) {
    )}, 1000);

I think the code will for scenario 1 and 2 , but how can I get it working for 3 too?

EDIT: Just saw a related SO question upon posting which I didn't find through search. Please wait while I check if it's a duplicate

I think you are looking to throttle (buffer) the clicks, that is, you want to wait a specified amount of time before you act, if the same event happens again within your throttling period, you restart your wait. http://jsfiddle.net/8QdLV/

function B() {
var timeoutId;
$('#button').click(function() {
    timeOutId = setTimeout(B, 1000);

This can be generalized http://jsfiddle.net/8QdLV/

function throttle(handler, buffer) {
    var timeoutId;
    buffer = buffer || 1000;
    return function(e) {
        var me = this;
        timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
            handler.call(me, e);
        }, buffer);

$('button').click(throttle(function() {
    console.log('Throttled click');

By the way, you may want to use https://code.google.com/p/jquery-debounce/ which also provides a $.throttle function

use the setInterval function.

note that it doesn't suffice to record the click with a boolean, otherwise two clicks at t=0 , t=0.99 will both be cleared by the reset operation at t=1 .

var clicked = false
  , hnd_reset = null
  , hnd_check = null;

$('#button').click(function() {

function A(){
    clicked = true;
    hnd_reset = setTimeout(function(){
         clicked = false;
         hnd_reset = null;
    )}, 1000);

    if (hnd_check === null) {
        hnd_check = setInterval(function(){
            if ( !clicked && (hnd_reset === null)) {
                clearInterval( hnd_check );
                hnd_check = null;
        )}, 1000);

alternatively you could track the number of clicks in an int starting at 0, allowing for execution of B iff the tracker is 0.

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