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How to use Singleton object in Spring?

I am newbie to Spring Framework.I have tried following example in spring.

public class XZY {

    SampleDAO sampleDao;

    TestDAO testDao;

    XZYinterface xzyinterface;

    public Response XZYservice(@FormParam("Code") String Code,
            @FormParam("source") String source,
            @FormParam("value") String value)  {
            //return xzyinterface.checkXYZService(Code,sourceName,source); 
        XZYinterface xyz = ServiceFactory.getXZY(999);
        return xyz.checkXYZService(Code,sourceName,source);


The following code will use to create singleton object

public class Singleton {
        private static sampleA sampleClassA=null;
        private static SampleB sampleClassB=null;
        public static XZYAbstract getXZY(long id){
                if(id == 999){
              if(sampleClass == null){
                sampleClassA = new sampleA();
               return sampleClass;
                if(id == 9999){
                    sampleClassB = new sampleA();
                return sampleClassB;


public interface XZYinterface {
    Response XZYservice(String Code, String source,String value)

Abstract class and implements Interface

public class XZYAbstract implements XZYinterface {
    public XZYAbstract(){
    SampleDAO sampleDao;

    TestDAO testDao;

    public Response checkXYZService(String Code,String source,String value){

    String sample = sampleDao.getValue(code);

    //..source code


The following class extends abstract class.

public class sampleA extends XZYAbstract {

    //some methods.

If i run the application it throws following errors

 SEVERE [com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse] The RuntimeException could not be mapped to a response, re-throwing to the HTTP container: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at com.test.xyz.XZYAbstract.checkXYZService(XZYAbstract.java:112) [:]
    at com.test.XYZ.XZYservice(XZY.java:140) [:]

If i call directly without singleton object, values are initialized properly using Auto wired ( //return xzyinterface.checkXYZService(Code,sourceName,source); ) and it's working fine. Throw from singleton object, values(sampleDAo,testDao) are not initialized properly.

How to resolve this error?

The reason is quite trivial: it's because Spring is just a library, and not a change to the Java language. Spring doesn't instrument nor enhance constructors, so the only way to get initialized Spring bean is to get it from the Spring context .

If you call new Bean() , you becomes Bean instance untouched by Spring .

For the question how to use singleton bean: do nothing . Spring beans are Singletons by default. You can specify other scope via @org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope annotation. See for example @Scope("prototype") bean scope not creating new bean , how it works.

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