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Writing txt-file float

Now I have this kind of code:

    for s,h,v,r in zip(lopullinen, yksilo, osallistumiset, pistemaarat):
        tulostuksia.write(str(s) + ";".join(h) + ";" + str(r) + ";" + ";".join(str(v)) + "/7" + "\n")

and it gives this kind of output:

101;Vertti Veteraaniurheilija;M70;709;651;750;806;850;759;801;5326;7/7
41;Severi Seitsenottelija;M;603;551;600;555;559;655;700;4223;7/7
42;Seppo Seitsenottelija;M;661;750;700;610;505;502;700;4428;7/7
43;Ylermi Yleisurheilija;M;603;601;700;655;661;555;500;4275;7/7
60;K. Keskeyttäjä;M40;603;601;-;-;-;-;-;1204;2/7
61;Yrjänä Yleisurheilija;M40;559;500;650;701;603;655;650;4318;7/7

But I would like to have those numbers to be float-types. Like this:

101;Vertti Veteraaniurheilija;M70;709.0;651.0;750.0;806.0;850.0;759.0;801.0;5326;7/7

Thouse numbers come from the list yksilo, which contains numbers from class. If i change it there to be float(when adding to the list), and from that for loop above ";".join(str(h)). It gives me output where the ";" is between every number(7;0;9;.;0; etc...) And if i don't put the str(h) in there, it gives "TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, float found".

Is there an easy way to get those numbers to be formed 709.0 instead of 709.


'%f' % value

instead of the simple


But the str(value) should already have given you '4.0' if the value had been a float in the beginning. So maybe you need to convert that value to a float first:


Also, if you need to keep the - values, you will have to check for these as well. So in your example, use

  '%s%s;%s;%s%s' % (
    ";".join('-' if vi == 'i' else str(float(vi)) for vi in v),

If h is a list [709.0, 651.0] then str(h) gives you "[709.0, 651.0]" and ';'.join(str(h)) , as you've seen, will iterate over the characters in the string, rather than the values in the list.

Instead, try ';'.join(map(str, h)) . This converts each item in the list individually to a string (whether it's a '-' or a float ), then join s the resulting iterable/list (depending on Python version) of strings.


>>> print(";".join(map(str, ["-", 123.4, 567.8, "-", "-", 9.0])))

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