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LoginWithMicrosoftAccountAsync always fails with 401

I have created a universal app and an azure mobile services. I followed the tutorial on adding microsoft account authentication as is provided at the azure website. I am using the newest Live SDK for this purpose.

Client side, i am using this code, which is more or less straigt out of the tutorial:

const string ReferralUrl = "https://my-url-here.azure-mobile.net/";

static MobileServiceClient MobileService = new MobileServiceClient(
          "my key");

MobileServiceUser _user;

private LiveConnectSession _session;
private async Task Authenticate()
    var authClient = new LiveAuthClient(ReferralUrl);
    while (_session == null)
        var result = await authClient.LoginAsync(new[] { "wl.basic" });
        if (result.Status == LiveConnectSessionStatus.Connected)
            _session = result.Session;
            var client = new LiveConnectClient(result.Session);
            var meResult = await client.GetAsync("me");

    _session = null;

public async Task<bool> Login()
        await Authenticate();
        _user = await MobileService
    catch (Exception ex)
            //return false;

    return true;

The following facts have been verified for this application:

  • The store entry has been created
  • The store entry has been associated with the universal app (this has been performed for both, win8.1 and wp8.1 projects)
  • The store app has the following settings:

At the azure portal, in the identity tab, the client id and secret have been entered and saved. However, there is no package-SID (this is also not mentioned in the tutorial).

I downloaded the service project that is created with the mobile service and added it to my solution. Also, I have added the SetIsHosted(true) flag to the WebApiConfig class. Finally i added the AuthorizeLevel attribute to the TodoItemController and set it to User Level. The service has been successfully published to azure.

When i run my application and call Login, it will result in a 401 exception. It doesnt matter if i run it local or hosted.

Any ideas?

This feature - authentication based on information from a client-side SDK for Microsoft accounts (live SDK) or Facebook - is currently not supported in the .NET backend for mobile services. What the .NET backend supports is either the authentication via the web interface for Microsoft/Facebook/Google/Twitter, or client-side authentication for Azure Active Directory. The support for the feature you want should be implemented in a coming release. You can check out the Azure Mobile team blog for announcements on when it is live.

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