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How to classificate individuals in a class by specific condition on protege?

I have an ontology that has:

  • Class Agent and Class Action
  • A list of data property (that inherit of a dataproperty restrictionProperties) has domain UNION of (Agent and Action) and Range primitive (Example hasMoney, hasTime)

I want to classify all individuals that ag.hasTime >= ac.hasTime and ag.hasMoney >= ac.hasMoney and so on, where ag is an Agent and ac is an Action instances.

I want to make a remark that these conditions have several things:

  • the comparison is always between the same property ag.hasTime >= ac.hasTime
  • All dataProperty that inherit of restrictionProperty will have the same treatment.
  • All agents that satisfy this condition will belong to, for example, Class AgentRestrictions

I don't want to use SWRL because I read that is not a standard and that I can do it always with SPARQL.

I guess with SPARQL can be do it, but I'm not sure how. But I prefer a solution that is clicking in protege. Or making specification with axioms.

I think that you mean something like this:

PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>
    #Query 1.1 Where urPrefx:greaterOrEqualThan is a restricted property
    ?data_property_individual_categorie rdfs:subPropertyOf urPrefx:greaterOrEqualThan.

    #Query 1.2 Get all the action classes with those restricted property
    {SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE {?individuals_actions rdf:type ?ActionsClasses.?individuals_actions ?data_property_individual_categorie ?values_action}}

    #Query 1.3 Get all the agents with those restricted property
    {SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE {?individuals_agents rdf:type ?AgentClasses. ?individuals_agents ?data_property_individual_categorie ?values_agent}}

    #Get all No and Yes
    BIND(if( ?values_agent >=?values_action, urPrefx:Yes, urPrefx:No) AS ?r).

The only thing you need to specify is those YES and NO; What you want to do with it. You will need to use the Command CONSTRUCT to assign to the class AgentRestrictions.

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