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convert h:m:s to 0h:0m:0s (add zero if single digit)

I need to convert timestamp of the format 'h:m:s' to '0h:0m:0s' . ie if any of hour or minute or second is single digit then add leading zero.


1:6 should be converted to 01:06

1:5:6 should be converted to 01:05:06

05:6 should be converted to 05:06

What i tried?

$this_video_duration =~ s/(^|:)(\d(:|$))/0$2/g;

Please help me for this regex.

$this_video_duration =~ s/(\d+)/ length($1) >1 ? $1 : "0$1" /ge;
$x = join ':', map { sprintf '%02d', $_ } split /:/, $x;


$x =~ s/\d+/ sprintf '%02d', $_ /eg;

Your issue is that the ending : in a first match is "eating" the beginning : of the next match.

You could use zero width word boundary:

$this_video_duration =~ s/\b\d\b/0$&/g;

\\b will match between \\w\\W or \\W\\w , and \\d is in \\w . Demo here .

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