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Multiple $this attribute for re-usable class in JS

I came across this simple star rating system with font awesome. I have a problem though. In a page where there are multiple star blocks for rating they all get called at the same time. How can I prevent this behavior and have only the intended block to apply the clicked stars?

fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/VGx6r/


<div class="star-rating"> 
  <span class="fa fa-star-o" data-rating="1"></span>
  <span class="fa fa-star-o" data-rating="2"></span>
  <span class="fa fa-star-o" data-rating="3"></span>
  <span class="fa fa-star-o" data-rating="4"></span>
  <span class="fa fa-star-o" data-rating="5"></span>
  <input type="hidden" name="whatever" class="rating-value" value="3">


.star-rating {
  cursor: pointer;


var $star_rating = $('.star-rating .fa');

var SetRatingStar = function() {
  return $star_rating.each(function() {
    if (parseInt($star_rating.siblings('input.rating-value').val()) >= parseInt($(this).data('rating'))) {
      return $(this).removeClass('fa-star-o').addClass('fa-star');
    } else {
      return $(this).removeClass('fa-star').addClass('fa-star-o');

$star_rating.on('click', function() {
  return SetRatingStar();


It's because of this:

var $star_rating = $('.star-rating .fa');

It is applying the function to every star-rating class.

You would need to modify that selector to specify which one to change. You could pass the element into setStarRating


return SetStarRating($(this));

and then use that in the SetRatingStar method

In response to your comment. I'm feeling generous so here you go:


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