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How to add new items to an existing menu in Eclipse?

I want to add a new item to a menu. For example

File > New > New item


Project > Build > Working set > New item

I've got this far with my plugin.xml:

            locationURI="i don't know id">

How can I find out the IDs of existing commands in Eclipse menus.

When you view your menuContribution in the editor, you can add a new command and click browse next to the commandId in the Extension Element Details. You'll get a list of all possible comands (at least in my Juno Version).

If you are looking for a specific item, Alt+Shift+F2, then click on the menu entry you want to inspect.

The menu File -> New however consists of Wizards. You can add to that using the org.eclipse.ui.newWizards extension point and pointing it to your Wizard implementation.

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