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How to get select option static value to controller

Here the Select /Combobox static value pass to controller using script is not working properly, the script alert is working.

Html code

<select id="propertyfor" onchange="onPropertyforChange();">
<option value="0">Select Property For</option>
<option value="SELL" id="1" th:value="${'SELL'}">SELL</option>
<option value="RENT" id="2" th:value="${'RENT'}">RENT</option>

script code

function onPropertyforChange() {
        type : 'POST',
        dataType : 'json',
        url : '/RealEstate/selectedPropertyfor.html',
        data : ({
            id : $('#propertyfor').val()

the alert shows here but the controller println not working


@RequestMapping(value = ("/selectedPropertyfor.html"))
public void getpropertyFor(@RequestParam("propertyfor") int propertyfor) {

if you know about this please share answer here.

You are sending the value of the select with the property name of id , not propertyfor . Also, your data syntax is a little odd.

data: {
    propertyfor : $('#propertyfor').val()

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