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How do I create a summary data item in Cognos Report Studio?

I am working on a Cognos Report Studio Version 10 where I have to convert SQL code into Data Items. I have all the Columns required in the package to drag as Data Items in the query but I am stuck where there's calculated fields. This is one of them


ORIG_AMT was derived from a simple IF THEN ELSE function and could be easily created as a calculated data item. But PARTICIPATION_ORIG_AMT is coming from this SQL code:

                SUM (ORIG_AMT) AS PARTICIPATION_ORIG_AMT,                                                                                                   
FROM            TableName
HAVING          PART_FLAG = 'Y'

How do I create a Data Item for PARTICIPATION_ORIG_AMT ?

Pl note: I have LEAD_ACCT, PART_FLAG fields as calculated fields in the Query.

Can you help me understand how to write SUM (ORIG_AMT) AS PARTICIPATION_ORIG_AMT Group by LEAD_ACCT, PART_FLAG in Cognos Report Studio?

The equivalent in a Cognos expression would be:


3 choices:

  1. Create a separate query in Cognos specifically for PARTICIPATION_ORIG_AMT . Join this query to your primary query on the appropriate fields and bring this in.
  2. Create a query subject for PARTICIPATION_ORIG_AMT within the model itself, and do the above in RS as described above. Preferred method if you are re-using this data item across reports.
  3. Create a view in SQL which takes care of all of this special logic.

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