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How can I access JMeter variables inside a custom java sampler?

I have a java sampler that extends AbstractJavaSamplerClient. I would like to access the thread group loop counter value {__counter} from inside the java sampler. How can I achieve this?

ctx.getParameter("{__counter}"); doesn't seem to work where ctx is JavaSamplerContext

Thanks in advance.

__counter is a buildin function and not a parameter.

I would suggest to use it in one of the Pre-Processors such as User Parameters and store the returned value to parameter counterValue . Then you can get the value in your java sampler with ctx.getParameter("counterValue");

I believe that ctx.getVariables().get("{__counter}"); is what you're looking for.

See JavaDoc on JMeterContext ( ctx is a shorthand for JMeterContext).

There is also some useful information on using JMeter API for different purposes in How to use BeanShell: JMeter's favorite built-in component guide.

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