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Similar Entry in Elasticsearch

I posted to:


"zip": "84359",
"city": "Simbach"

Now i wanted to find Simpach which is exactly 2 letters wrong:


    "query": {
       "fuzzy": {
           "city" : {
               "value" : "Simpdach",
               "fuzziness" : 30


but i dont get any result. I already saw this entry on stackoverflow and i cant find out, what i am doing wrong:

Fuzzy string matching using Levenshtein algorithm in Elasticsearch

Check your mapping and make sure city field is analyzed. Something like:

PUT /fuzzy_products/product/_mapping
  "product": {
    "properties": {
      "name": {
        "type": "string",
        "analyzer": "simple

Check "simple fuzzy match" section . I hope it will be helpful.

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