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How can I query a postgreSQL Table that uses an index?

I'm trying to view IPS alerts from snort, the alerts are being inserted into the database via barnyard2. https://github.com/firnsy/barnyard2

When I use SELECT ip_src from iphdr ; get this back from postgresql;


Is it safe to assume that these are some sort of index numbers? It's obviously not in standard IPv4 form.

When the table was created, an index was also created.

CREATE TABLE iphdr  ( sid     INT4 NOT NULL,
                      cid     INT8 NOT NULL,
                      ip_src      INT8 NOT NULL,
                      ip_dst      INT8 NOT NULL,
                      ip_ver      INT2,
                      ip_hlen     INT2,
                      ip_tos      INT2,
                      ip_len      INT4,
                      ip_id       INT4,
                      ip_flags    INT2,
                      ip_off      INT4,
                      ip_ttl      INT2,
                      ip_proto    INT2 NOT NULL,
                      ip_csum     INT4,
                      PRIMARY KEY (sid,cid));
CREATE INDEX ip_src_idx ON iphdr (ip_src);
CREATE INDEX ip_dst_idx ON iphdr (ip_dst);

How do I query this table and get the actual IP address from this index?

An obvious solution would be to use the proper datatype, ie the Postgres inet datatype

CREATE TABLE iphdr  ( sid     INT4 NOT NULL,
                      cid     INT8 NOT NULL,
                      ip_src      inet NOT NULL,
                      ip_dst      inet NOT NULL,

which will allow you to insert network addresses literally:

insert into iphdr (ip_src, ip_dst) values ('','')

If you use this datatype, there are several specialized functions that will help you using them eg in where clauses.

If you have no control over incoming data, these data types can still help you to display the values in a recognizable format:

SELECT ''::inet + ip_src as ipsrc,''::inet + ip_dst as ipdst,

SQLFiddle demo

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