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Click HTML element A and add Class on B with pure JavaScript

I can't see what I'm doing wrong here.. Can anyone help please?


function toggleMainNav() {
        var navLink = document.getElementsByClassName('nav_link')[0];
        var mainNav = navLink.nextSibling;
        if ( mainNav.className.match(/(?:^|\s)inactive(?!\S)/) ){
            mainNav.className = 'active';
        } else{
            mainNav.className = 'inactive';

    document.getElementsByClassName('nav_link')[0].addEventListener( 'click' , toggleMainNav );

this is the HTML:

<a class="nav_link">☰ Menu</a>
<ul class="inactive">

nextSibling will be a text node containing whitespace. Either scan until you get nodeType === 1 or use nextElementSibling (but check whether it's supported on your target browsers).

Side note: getElementsByClassName has worse support than querySelector / querySelectorAall (IE8 has the latter but not the former, for instance), so you might consider using those instead.

Side note 2: IE8 also doesn't have addEventListener .

Side note 3: If you hook up your handler via addEventListener , within the handler this will already be the first nav_link , so you don't have to look it up again.

Side note 4: Some older browsers will fail if you don't give the third argument to addEventListener (it didn't used to be optional). To be broadly-compatible, be sure to include the false at the end.

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