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Applying orderby to C# LINQ Inner join

I am trying out C# LINQ Joins from this msdn page .

I am not able to apply order by on inner join even though it works with group join.

The data on which queries are run are:

    class Product
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int CategoryID { get; set; }

    class Category
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int ID { get; set; }

    // Specify the first data source.
    static List<Category> categories = new List<Category>()
        new Category(){Name="Beverages", ID=001},
        new Category(){ Name="Condiments", ID=002},
        new Category(){ Name="Vegetables", ID=003},
        new Category() {  Name="Grains", ID=004},
        new Category() {  Name="Fruit", ID=005}            

    // Specify the second data source.
    static List<Product> products = new List<Product>()
        new Product{Name="Cola",  CategoryID=001},
        new Product{Name="Tea",  CategoryID=001},
        new Product{Name="Mustard", CategoryID=002},
        new Product{Name="Pickles", CategoryID=002},
        new Product{Name="Carrots", CategoryID=003},
        new Product{Name="Bok Choy", CategoryID=003},
        new Product{Name="Peaches", CategoryID=005},
        new Product{Name="Melons", CategoryID=005},

The desired output is (list order by categories in brackets and then by product) :

Bok Choy(Vegetables)

I was able to produce this output using group-join with orderby and 2nd from-select to deform group hierarchy and produce plain list as follows:

var listGroupJoinOrderBy =
            from category in categories
            join product in products on category.ID equals product.CategoryID into prodGroup
            from prod in prodGroup
            orderby category.Name, prod.Name  //first order by category name then product name
                Category = category.Name,
                Product = prod.Name

But then I am unable to produce this same output with orderby applied to inner join (that is group-join without into clause). I tried following variants:

Variant #1

var innerJoinOrderBy =
            from category in categories
            orderby category.Name    //orderby category name
            join product in products on category.ID equals product.CategoryID                
            orderby product.Name     //orderby product name
                Category = category.Name,
                Product = product.Name

Variant #2

var innerJoinOrderBy =
            from category in categories

            join product in products on category.ID equals product.CategoryID                
            orderby category.Name, product.Name     //orderby category first and then by product name
                Category = category.Name,
                Product = product.Name

However both variants give the same output as if no orderby is used, and produces the following output:

Cola (Beverages)
Tea (Beverages)
Mustard (Condiments)
Pickles (Condiments)
Carrots (Vegetables)
Bok Choy (Vegetables)
Peaches (Fruit)
Melons (Fruit)

Q. How can I produce the desired output with inner-join and orderby ?

Anyway, to print the query result one can use following foreach (just change the query variable name) :

foreach (var product in simpleInnerJoin)
    Console.WriteLine(product.Product + " (" + product.Category + ")");

Your second option should work fine

var innerJoinOrderBy =
            from c in categories
            join p in products on c.ID equals p.CategoryID
            orderby c.Name, p.Name
            select new {
                Category = c.Name,
                Product = p.Name


    { Product="Cola", Category="Beverages" },
    { Product="Tea", Category="Beverages" },
    { Product="Mustard", Category="Condiments" },
    { Product="Pickles", Category="Condiments" },
    { Product="Melons", Category="Fruit" },
    { Product="Peaches", Category="Fruit" },
    { Product="Bok Choy", Category="Vegetables" },
    { Product="Carrots", Category="Vegetables" }

From your output I see that items go in their original order. Make sure you have applied orderby operator in query.

Take the Orderby out of the main Linq and use

foreach (var product in simpleInnerJoin.Orderby(i=> i.Category.Name).ThenBy(i=>i.Product.Name))
    Console.WriteLine(product.Product + " (" + product.Category + ")");

I think this should give you the output you require.

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