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Select List From Database With Parameter

Hi there i have some problem getting list from database using laravel 4.1

I have session that stored some value about companyid. Then i want to print the list to table based on the companyid itself. Let say i can access the session using {{ Session::get('name')}}

This is my controller index()

public function index($cid) {

        $pengguna = User::where('id_company', '=', $cid)->get();

        $data = array(
            'pengguna' => $pengguna,
            'page' => 'master',
            'index' => 0

        return View::make('console.pengguna')->with($data);

then i want to print the data to table in view

                    <table class="table table-striped table-bordered" id="table_pengguna_list">
                                <th>Last Login</th>
                        <th class="td-actions">Action</th>
                           @foreach ($pengguna as $pgn)
                               <td>{{ $index++ }}</td>
                               <td>{{ $pgn->firstname }}</td>
                               <td>{{ $pgn->lastname }}</td>
                               <td>{{ $pgn->username }}</td>
                               <td>{{ $pgn->email }}</td>
                               <td>{{ $pgn->level }}</td>
                               <td>{{ $pgn->updated_at }}</td>

how to pass the parameter from session to the controller then? so basically pass the {{ Session::get('name')}} to $cid in index controller.

thank you.

hi there i have found the solution, just place refactor the index controller to;

public function index() {
        $cid = Session::get('name');
        $pengguna = User::where('id_company', '=', $cid)->get();

        $data = array(
            'pengguna' => $pengguna,
            'page' => 'master',
            'index' => 0

        return View::make('console.pengguna')->with($data);

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