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how to handle sub query in sql?

I have a table containing the following columns: id, sid, subcode, subStatus,printdate

Sid stand for student id. I want student with finalStaus.Finalstatus is base on last subcode of that sid.In first case sid is 5 and Finalstatus is Fail.Here lastsubcode is 4. In second case sid is 3 and finalstaus is promo.Here lastsubcode is 3.

Subcode can be 1,2,3,4 .....

Previously my table has 4 column.

Id    SId   SubCode  SubStatus     
1     5       4       Fail         
2     5       3       pass         
3     5       2       pass         
4     5       1       fail         
5     3       3       promo        
7     3       2       promo        
8     3       1       pass  

with the following query I am able to fetch same what I want.

SELECT studentdetails.SId, studentdetails.substatus
FROM studentdetails
  SELECT studentdetails.sid, MAX(studentdetails.subcode) AS max_subcode
  FROM studentdetails
  GROUP BY studentdetails.sid
) m ON m.sid=studentdetails.sid AND m.max_subcode=studentdetails.subcode

Now I added extra column
Id    SId   SubCode  SubStatus     PrintDate
1     5       4       Fail         2014-06-05 17:00:00.000
2     5       3       pass         2014-06-05 17:10:00.000
3     5       2       pass         2014-06-05 17:20:00.000
4     5       1       fail         2014-06-05 17:40:00.000
5     3       3       promo        2014-06-06 00:20:00.000
7     3       2       promo        2014-06-06 00:10:00.000
8     3       1       pass         2014-06-05 11:59:00.000

I want student with finalStaus of perticular date.Here date is 5.Finalstatus is base on last subcode of that sid. Here is my query

SELECT studentdetails.SId, studentdetails.substatus
FROM studentdetails
  SELECT studentdetails.sid, MAX(studentdetails.subcode) AS max_subcode
  FROM studentdetails
  where PrintDate>= '06/05/2014' and printdate <'06/06/2014'
  GROUP BY studentdetails.sid
) m ON m.sid=studentdetails.sid AND m.max_subcode=studentdetails.subcode

With above query I am getting output.

SId SubStatus
3   pass
5   Fail

Here my logic fail.I don't want sid=3 should come.Sid having value 3,its actual last subcode is 3 but that is next day.So I modified query.

SELECT studentdetails.SId, studentdetails.substatus
FROM studentdetails
  SELECT studentdetails.sid, MAX(studentdetails.subcode) AS max_subcode
  FROM studentdetails
  where PrintDate>= '06/05/2014' and printdate <'06/06/2014'
  and SId not in (Select SId from studentDetails where  PrintDate>= '06/06/2014' and printdate <'06/07/2014')
  GROUP BY studentdetails.sid
) m ON m.sid=studentdetails.sid AND m.max_subcode=studentdetails.subcode


SId SubCode
5   Fail

With the above query I am getting proper output.I just want to know when I am writing subquery,

SId not in : Here which sid will consider from 1 or 2.

1  sid from (SELECT studentdetails.sid, MAX(studentdetails.subcode) AS max_subcode
      FROM studentdetails
      where PrintDate>= '06/05/2014' and printdate <'06/06/2014')

   SId SubStatus
    3   pass
    5   Fail

2 all sid from studentdetails

I also wanted to find out only count of pass substatus of student whose final status is not pass.Only want count of substatus not sid

   Id    SId   SubCode  SubStatus     
    1     5       4       Fail         
    2     5       3       pass         
    3     5       2       pass         
    4     5       1       fail 

Here id 1 and 2 has pass status.Here Sid is 5.But Final status of sid 5 is Fail.Because final status is base on max subcode.How to find that?

Question 1. SId not in : Here which sid will consider from 1 or 2?

Ans:Neither. Subquery doesnot care about the query outside,. So it will be all sid from studentdetails filtered by the where Clause( PrintDate>= '06/06/2014' and printdate)<'06/07/2014')

For your question 2: Just wrap your first query as a cte, then the remaining is simple

with cte (SId,SubStatus)as(
    SELECT studentdetails.SId, studentdetails.substatus
    FROM studentdetails
    JOIN (
      SELECT studentdetails.sid, MAX(studentdetails.subcode) AS max_subcode
      FROM studentdetails
      GROUP BY studentdetails.sid
    m ON m.sid=studentdetails.sid AND m.max_subcode=studentdetails.subcode)

    select SId,count(SubStatus) as PassCount from studentdetails 
where SId in(select SId from cte where SubStatus <> 'pass') 
and SubStatus = 'pass' group by SId

PS: Remember to take care of upper and lower case if this is actual data

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