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Eclipse “javaw.exe” High CPU usage

I have standard Eclipse Kepler with CDT installed. Sometimes when it stays idle for a while the javaw.exe starts eating the CPU up to 30%. Nothing is running in Eclipse, no indexing, no library update, no building or compiling.

How can I debug Eclipse to see if something is running in background? Does Eclipse have any console or log so I can see what exactly is being done?

Not to mention, I even restarted the Eclipse but it just works for a few moment and then again reaches high CPU usage. What could be the problem?

  • Windows 7 64bit
  • Eclipse Kepler standard (plugins ADT & CDT)
  • Java 7

You can try add some memory to eclipse.ini parameter -Xmx512m

It can be useful in some cases but you will need to try it.. Hope that helps

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