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jpa jpql Query on OneToMany relation

i have two Entity objects

object 1

String key;
String eMail;
String status;
private List<MyInfoRequest>  myInfoRequests;

object 2

String key;
String dataA;
String dataB;
String dataC;
MyInfo myInfo;

i try to createQuery (JPQL) with EntityManager

that wil give me all MyInfo with status="1" and myInfoRequest.dataA="BIG" but what i get is all myInfoRequest.dataA="BIG" and MyInfo with same info (i get the result as MyInfo object list of course)

this what i try

SELECT x from MyInfo x,MyInfoRequest b where b.dataA=:dataA AND x.status=:status

Im using jpa 1.0. and OpenJPA 1.2.1

Try the following query:

String qlString = "SELECT x "
                + "FROM MyInfo x JOIN x.myInfoRequests b "
                + "WHERE x.status = :status AND b.dataA = :dataA";
List<MyInfo> result = em.createQuery(qlString)
                        .setParameter("status", "1")
                        .setParameter("dataA", "BIG")

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