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Sublists of lists using recursion in scala

I tried to look for some algorithms to find all of the sub lists of a given list and this is what I found:

The only sublist of the empty list is the empty list. The sublists of x:xs (ie the list with the head x and the tail xs) are all of the sublists of xs as well as each of the sublists of xs with x prepended to them.

taken from Sublists of a list using list comprehension

Here is what I implemented:

    def combinations(occurrences: Occurrences): List[Occurrences] = occurrences match{
    case List() => List()
    case x::xs => combinations(xs) ::: combinations(x :: xs)


This function gives a stack overflow error as I expected however in the example from that question it worked for him. It might've been that I misunderstood the principle he explained? How could I tackle such a problem using recursion? Where was my mistake here?

Where can I look for such an algorithm?

This would be the algorithm according to your stated definition.

For the empty List, return a List with an empty List.

For the other case, use recursion to get all combinations from the tail and then additionally combine the head with each element from the result ( tailComb ). ( tailComb.map(sub => x :: sub) ).

def combinations[A](list: List[A]): List[List[A]] = list match {
  case Nil => List(List.empty[A])
  case x::xs => {
    val tailComb = combinations(xs)
    tailComb ::: tailComb.map(sub => x :: sub)

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