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Segmentation fault error (core dumped)

I am getting Segmentation fault (core dumped) error in below code.

Please suggest where I am going wrong?

#include "string.h"
int main(){
char *str=NULL;
return 0;


I was going through a site where I saw this problem and tried to compile the code. It says expected output should be (null). Here is the link cquestions.com/2010/10/c-interview-questions-and-answers.html 13th question last example

You need to allocate memory for str before copying string to it.

char *str = malloc(10) // Length of string "Something" + 1  

Note that after assigning NULL to str , it points nowhere as c-faq says:

[...] a null pointer points definitively nowhere; it is not the address of any object or function.

If str is not the address of any object then how could it be possible to copy anything to it?

int main(){
    int size = 10;
    char *str=NULL;
    printf("%s", str);


Its always important to indent your code also :$


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