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How to write query to count the foreign key in yii using CDbCriteria?

I have tables Ads with column AdsId , ClientId and table Assigned . Assigned has AdsId as foreign key. I want to count the number of AdsId in Assigned for given ClientId . I have the following query which works but I am not sure if its the best way. How can I run the same query in yii? Hope I made my question clear.

SELECT A. * , (
FROM Assigned AS B
WHERE B.AdsId = A.AdsId
AND A.ClientId =1
WHERE A.ClientId =1
LIMIT 0 , 30

First declare a relation in your model relations function

public function relations(){
     return array(
       'AdsIdCount'=> array(self::STAT,'Ads','AdsId'),
       //'VarName'=>array('RelationType', 'ClassName', 'ForeignKey', ...additional options)


then in your in returned activeRecord results you can just call this count like this

$result = Assigned::model()->find($criteria); 

$result->adsIdCount ; // do logic here


$results = Assigned::model()->findAll($criteria); 
foreach ($results as $result){
    $result->adsIdCount ; // do logic here

see STAT relation for more details on how this works http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/database.arr#statistical-query

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