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FlexContext.getServletContext() is returning NPE

I'm having an issue with Flex.

The following java line is throwing NPE.

ServletContext servletContext = FlexContext.getServletContext();

However, the following command works just fine and throws no exception. After the command executes, httpServletRequest is null (as expected).

HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = FlexContext.getHttpRequest();

I was able to find the answer. I think that Flex pulled an abstraction on us. I think that getServletContext() actually calls FlexContext.getServletConfig() within the method. Because of this internal call, when Flex then internally calls getServletContext (), the method throws NPE.

I simply altered the code to the following.

ServletConfig servletConfig = FlexContext.getServletConfig();
if (servletConfig != null) {
    ServletContext servletContext = servletConfig.getServletContext();

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