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How to replace iframe document with another pre-existing document object, without using write()

I just want to replace a blank iframe's document with a pre-existing document object. Not a string of HTML that can use the write() method with (that solution is in many other answers, here) . I just want a document object to replace another document.

My blank iframe:

<iframe src="about:blank" id="myIframe"></iframe>

Routine to replace blank iframe document:

function replaceIframeDoc(objDoc){
    var nod_if    = document.getElementById("myIframe");
    var nod_ifDoc = nod_if.contentWindow.document || nod_if.contentDocument;
    nod_ifDoc     = objDoc;

Document object created, and call to do the replace:
(Note: I encapsulate my document object in a simple object... I need to do that for some other unrelated stuff... just to easily transfer some attributes, etc. Hopefully it's inconsequential to my issue!)

var obj_container = new Object;  //just to make easier to do some other stuff
obj_container.document = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
obj_container.document.write("<html>...(some html)...</html>");

Depending on which browser you need to support, you could do something like this:

var iframe = document.getElementById("myIframe");;
var oldNode = iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("myNode");
var newNode = document.importNode(oldNode, true);

You can read more here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/document.importNode

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