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(JPQL) Retrieve all entities which are not in @OneToMany property

How can I get all Verses which are not in Receivers usedVersed property ?

Tried something like

@NamedQuery(name="unusedVersesByReceiver", query="SELECT v.id FROM Verse v WHERE v.id 
NOT IN (SELECT r.usedVerses FROM Receiver r WHERE r = :_receiver)"

But I get:

The state field path 'r.usedVerses' cannot be resolved to a collection typ

Here my classes:

class Verse{
private Long Id;
private String SomeText;
class Receiver{
private Long Id;
private List<Verse> usedVerses;

UPDATE: I altered my entity classes to:

class Verse{
private Long Id;
private String SomeText;
private User usedBy;

class Receiver{
private Long Id;

and tried this JPQL

@NamedQuery(name = "testUnusedVerses", query= "SELECT v.id FROM Verse v WHERE v.usedBy 
!= :_receiver")

Get no error, but also not a correct solution. No user is retrieved.

Try with just v , not v.id and use NOT MEMBER OF instead of NOT IN

SELECT v.id FROM Verse v, Receiver r
    WHERE v NOT MEMBER OF r.usedVerses 
    AND r = :_receiver

You cannot select an attribute that represents a collection, which is the case with usedVerses, you have to join on your collection attribute and assign it an alias which will refer to an item from that collection, then you can select that alias. In your case it would be: select uv from Receiver r join r.usedVerses uv where r = :_receiver

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